Corporate April 3 2020

6 Steps to Successfully Work From Home During COVID-19

6 Steps to Successfully Work From Home During COVID-19

During the unfolding Corona Virus crisis, many of us have had to quickly adjust to working from home. While working from home certainly has its advantages and disadvantages, there a few things you can do to set yourself up for success. With days filled with additional anxiety and uncertainty, making sure you maintain a good work-life balance is now more important than ever.

Here are our top six tips to successfully working from home -

1. Create Your Workspace

First things first, make sure you have everything you usually need at work on a day to day basis. Laptop, monitor, adaptors and a notepad - check! 

2. Meal Prep

Avoid the lunch break temptation of cooking up a culinary storm or jumping in the car to drive the grocery store by preparing your lunches before work, just as you used to. 

3. Get Dressed for Work

As appealing as working in your pyjamas may sound, people are usually more productive and can establish better work life balance when they maintain their ‘get ready for work’ routine. 

4. Stay in Contact With Your Colleagues

Maintaining relationships with your colleagues is essential. Go beyond communicating about tasks and deadlines and make sure you check in with them to see how they are doing.

5. Establish Boundaries

Even though it can be tempting to continue to work through the night, it is so important to establish boundaries. Set your start time, finish time and allow yourself a few breaks throughout the day. 

6. Stay Active

Make sure you’re moving your body and getting plenty of exercise. A great tip is to go for a walk around the block before and after work to mimic your morning and evening commute.

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